4006981610 WX:sisiabc111



来源:浙江美联立刻说英语培训学校 发布时间:2018/5/14 16:37:14


1. go bananas 发疯I'll go bananas if you ask me that question one more time.你要是再问这个问题,我就要疯了。2. go nuts .抓狂We've got so many complaints today, I think I'll go nuts.今天竟然有这么多人投诉,我简直要抓狂了。3. lose it 情绪失控When Erica asked Tim to leave, he just lost it and started shouting at her.艾丽卡让蒂姆离开时,蒂姆情绪失控,冲着她大喊大叫。4. go mental 发神经Have you gone mental? Why do you keep arguing with the boss? You'll get fired.发什么神经?你竟然跟老板争执不休?你会被解雇的。5. freak out 十分不安Mum, don't freak out! I've just crashed the car.妈,别那么紧张!我只是把车撞了。6. go bonkers精神崩溃When I was told to wait for another hour, I just went absolutely bonkers.得知还要再等一个小时,我立马崩溃了。7. go berserk 变得狂躁The crowd went berserk when they were told that all the flights had been cancelled.得知航班取消后,人群开始躁动起来。8. blow one's top 大发脾气I think he'll blow his top when you give him the news.你把这个消息告诉他,他一定会大发脾气。9. fly off the handle 勃然大怒My dad flies off the handle anytime someone mentions politics.一有人谈论政治,父亲就发怒。10. hit the ceiling/ hit the roof大发雷霆I can't be late. My parents will hit the roof.我不敢迟到,不然我父母会发飙的。11. go ballistic狂怒My new neighbors throw parties every night. It just makes me go ballistic.新邻居夜夜开派对,我要疯了。12. go off the deep end大发脾气I'll go off the deep end if I get fired because of someone else's mistake.要是由于他人失误让我丢了饭碗,我会勃然大怒的。13. blow up生气When I saw the look on Helen's face, I just knew she'd blow up.一看到海伦的脸色,我就知道她生气了。14. pop one's cork 发怒I have something to tell you. Please, don't pop your cork.有些事我得告诉你,你千万别生气。15. go ape发狂Susie will go ape if she ever hears about it.苏西听到这个消息,一定会受不了的。

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